Renewing Employee’s Visa
When your foreign employee’s visa is expiring,
s/he needs to apply for renewal of working visa.
s/he needs to apply for renewal of working visa.
Renewal of working visa is not as straightforward as it seems in some cases.
Our experts can offer you extensive experience
and expertise in renewing visa.

When the applicant was away from Japan for a long period of time

Some applicants are appointed to work in another country for a long period of time.
When the applicant does not stay in Japan so much during the period of stay, there is a possibility that the Immigration Bureau decides that it is no longer necessary to grant you a visa to work in Japan.
In such case, the applicant needs to prove that s/he was appointed to work abroad and such appointment was necessary and unavoidable.
Our experts can give you individual advice as to what you need to produce to the Immigration Bureau upon renewal of your visa.
When the applicant took up a new job
Activities a foreign national can engage in Japan are determined by his/her given visa.
Therefore, you need to prove to the Immigration Bureau that activities you are currently engaged in are still within the scope of your visa when you are renewing your visa after taking up a new job.
In such case, the process of renewal application is very similar to making the visa application for the first time.

What the most foreign workers in Japan do not know is that if the Immigration Bureau decides that the job you are engaged in is not within the scope of visa, you may have to leave Japan within 1 month unless you can find another job you are eligible to engage in.
If you wish to renew your visa without having to worry about such consequences, you can apply for a Certificate of Authorized Employment (Shuro Shikaku Shomeisho) BEFORE you take up a new job.
A Certificate of Authorized Employment is issued by the Immigration Bureau to show your prospective employer that you are eligible to engage in the vocational activity.
Alternatively, if you have already taken up a new job, it is still beneficial to apply for a Certificate of Authorized Employment.
Because even when your application for a Certificate of Authorized Employment failed, you would still be able to remain in Japan and look for another job that is within the scope of your visa during the remaining period of stay.
However, when the immigration Bureau declines your application for renewal, you would most likely be designated a period for departure of 1 month.
And within that 1 month, you need to find a job that matches your visa eligibility.
If you are thinking to take up a new job, or you already have taken up a new job, feel free to consult us so that we can advise you whether, when and how to make application for a Certificate of Authorized Employment!
Benefits for Employers
The biggest benefit is to be able to ‘check’ if the applicant can legally engage in the activity.
Because making application for a Certificate of Authorized Employment is not obligatory for the visa holder, some foreign workers do not make application when taking up a new job.
However, if you hired a foreign national whose visa does not cover what s/he engages in, you could be penalized for it.
We strongly recommend you that you consult our visa specialists when you are hiring foreign workers.